The MBP company (Mécanique Baumoise de Précision) was created in 1991 by the current CEO : Mister Bernard COUR.
Former workshop manager in a general mechanics company, Mister COUR has transformed the machining job in a real passion. He was within the first to be trained on the CNC machines, and then used this learning by creating its own company, the Mécanique Baumoise de Précision.
Since its creation, the company has not stopped growing. Over the past 30 years, the society and its members have been able to acquire the machining experience and the many skills necessary to meet the various needs of the market.
Located in the center of the Bourgogne and Franche Comté region, in Autechaux, few minutes from Baume-Les-Dames, MBP is specialized and well-known in the precision machining area. The company proposes to its customers a complete offer from the raw material purchasing, to the "just-in-time" finished parts delivery.
Extension of our buildings for the renewal of rooms for the personnel
Creation of a new proximity metrology facility
Build of a workshop expansion (800 m²).
New building created for the storage (1000 m²).
Purchase of the 3rd and 4th multi-tasking centres : 5 axis MAZAK.
Procurement of the second multi-tasking centre : 5 axis MAZAK
Purchase of the first multi-tasking centre : 5 axis Mazak.
ISO 9001 certification.
Creation, workforce of 5 employees.